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What can I expect in the future?

The Pharmacy Centre
Date added:
Thursday, 23 September 2010
Last revised:
Thursday, 07 October 2010


You are protected against the future.  We use “open source” software to power the platform that runs all our sites which means that you benefit from thousands of web developers constantly working to write better software.  Many website companies will tell you 'their' solution is what you need; this is not only demonstrably far more expensive but ties you to them completely and will need significant upgrading or a whole new build as technology moves on.


Web technologies constantly evolve and useful ones are incorporated into our platform, and thus, your website's capabilities will continuously progress.  This ensures you do not have to re-build your website every six months which is often the case for many companies.  As The Pharmacy Centre moves forward we will incorporate even better functionality and services, often developed with you, the members.  Any suggestions on how we can improve the pharmacy business online are enthusiastically received.  As the ecommerce market grows for pharmacy we will be able to offer even better margins or you can decide to start providing this element yourself.


We also provide an expanding array of third party services that help your customers and earn you extra revenue.


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